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Newsletter Spring 2022

2021 Round Up



As we get stuck into our 5th registered year, we are delighted to share details of our success from 2021. Over the last calendar year, we: 

 Directly supported 211 women.
 Provided tailored practical and emotional support to 30 women, including comprehensive exit support to 4, finding affordable housing, access to debt relief, job and benefit applications and access to education.
 Connected with 112 women via online Netreach, sharing links to safety information and advice, as well as distributing well-being packs, supermarket vouchers and free emergency food/ toiletry parcels.
 Supported 69 women involved in our partnership work through the provision of well-being sessions and hosting drop-ins.

We also delivered training and awareness raising sessions to 118 people, including:
 19 frontline staff at partner organisations, supporting women in the sex industry
 70 + members of the public
 20 Undergraduate Social Work Students at the University of Chichester 
 9 Yada staff members and volunteers